Practice Program

  • Program to check string is Palindrome or Not.

  • A palindrome is a word, number, phrase, or other sequence of characters which reads the same backward as forward, such as madam or racecar or the number 10801.

  • Solution:
    void main()
        int raise=1 ,i;
        char s1[20];
        printf("Enter the string: ");
     int l = strlen(s1);//storing length of string in variable l.
       for(i=0; i<(l/2); i++)
        {   //checking the character at index i with the character at index (l-1)-i are same or not.
            if(s1[i] != s1[(l-1)-i])//if characters are not same than will assign 0 to variable raise.
            {                   //assigning 0 to variable raise is indication that string is Not palindrome.
                raise = 0;
        if(raise == 0)
            printf("String is Not palindrome");
            printf("String is  palindrome.");

    Enter the string: programmerdouts

    String is not palindrome

    Enter the string: LeveL

    String is palindrome

    Enter the string: racecar

    String is palindrome

    defining a function 'is_palindrome' which will check string is palindrome or Not

    int is_palindrome(char s1[])
         int l = strlen(s1);//storing length of string in variable l.
     int i,raise = 0;
     char ch;
        for(i=0; i<(l/2); i++)
            if(s1[i] != s1[(l-1)-i])
                return 0;

    Using above define function 'is_palindrome()':
    void main()
    { int result;
        char s[20] = "code";
        result  =is_palindrome(s);
        if(result == 1)
            printf("String is palindrome");
            printf("String is not palindrome.");

    String is not palindrome

    Using above define function 'is_palindrome()':
    void main()
    { int result;
        char s[20] = "level";
        result  = is_palindrome(s);
        if(result == 1)
            printf("String is palindrome");
            printf("String is not palindrome.");

    String is  palindrome

    Using above define function 'is_palindrome()':
    void main()
    { int result;
        char s[20] = "programmer";
        result  = is_palindrome(s);
        if(result == 1)
            printf("String is palindrome");
            printf("String is not palindrome.");

    String is not palindrome