Array to Function

  • In this module we will learn how to pass array to a function.
  • An entire array can be passed to function as an argument.
  • To pass an array to a function, the array must appear by itself, without brackets and subscript as an actual argument within the Function call.
  • The corresponding formal argument's are written in the same manner though it must be declared as an array within the formal argument declaration.
  • Only passing name means passing the base address of the array.
  • Passing just an array name is same as passing &array_name[0].
We Will Understand the passing of array concept by examples.

Q:define a function 'modify' which will take an array and number of elements in an array as an argument and it will just change the all element to array to -5

void modify(int arr[],int n);  //decleration of function.

void modify(int arr[],int n) //definition of function.
    for(int i=0;i<i++)
    {//modifying each value of array to -5.
        arr[i] = -5;


Using above define Function:
void main()
  int arr[10] = {1,2,3,4,5};

  printf("value before calling modify function:\n");
  for(int i=0;i<5;i++)

        //calling function 'modify()'.
modify(arr,5); //Actual parameters.

         printf("values After calling modify function:\n");
  for(int i=0;i<5;i++)


value before calling modify function:
1    2    3    4    5
values After calling modify function:
-5    -5    -5    -5    -5

Q:Define function which will take array and number of element in an array as an argument and it should return the sum of array elements.

 int sum_array(int arr[],int n); //declaration

 int sum_array(int arr[] , int n) //formal parameters.
     int i,sum = 0;
         sum = sum + arr[i];
     return sum;

Using above define Function:
 void main()
  int arr[10] = {1,2,3,4,5};
  int result;
   //Calling function 'sum_array()'
  result = sum_array(arr,5);//formal parameters.
  printf("\nSum of array is %d",result);


Sum of array is 15

Q:define a function which will take an string as argument and it should perform operation of reversing the string.


void reverse_string(char s[])//declaration

void reverse_string(char s[])//definition
    int i,j,len=0;
 char ch;
  { //calculating the length.
      ch = s[j];
      s[j]  = s[(len-1)-j];
      s[(len-1)-j] = ch;

Using above define Function:
void main()
  char s[30] = "Programmers";
  //calling function 'reverse_string'
  reverse_string(s);//actual parameter.
  printf("reverse string is:");


reverse string is: sremmargorP

Q:define a function which will take an string and a character as an argument and it should perform operation of finding the character 'c' in string 's',return the position of the characters if character is found otherwise return 0.

int find_char(char s[] ,char c)
    int i,result;
    for(i=0; s[i]!='\0'; i++)
        if(s[i] == c)
            result = (i+1);
            break;//breaking loop when character is got.
            result = 0;

    return result;

Using above define Function:
 void main()
{  int Position;
  char s[30] = "Programmers are great";

  //calling function 'find_char'
Position = find_char(s,'o');//actual parameters.

 if(Position == 0)
    printf("\nCharacter Not Found");
    printf("\nCharacter was found at %d position.",Position);

Character was found at 3 position.

Further Concepts:

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