Practice Programs

  • Doing Programs gives you the great understanding about what you have learned.
  • Doing Programs gives you the Confidence.
  • So let's Start by doing some programming.
  • Q:Declare a integer array of 10 element and initialize  it by some integer values and calculate its mean?

    void main()
        int marks[15]={63,65,48,95,45,48,78,65,23,78,78};
        int i,sums=0;  //initialization of sums variable to zero,
        float mean;    // because it should not start with any garbage value.
            sums = sums + marks[i];  //at every iteration assigning (current value + new_element) to new sums variable
        mean = sums/11;  
        printf("\nMean of marks array is %f",mean);


    Mean of marks array is 62.0000

  • Q:Declare a integer array and take no of elements and their value from the user, and only print even numbers ?

    void main()
        int i,n;
        int arr[20];
        printf("enter the number of elements:");
        //taking array element as input from the user.
        {   printf("Enter the element:");
        //printing even numbers
        printf("Even numbers  are:");
        {    //iterating   through all values of 'arr' array
            if(arr[i] % 2 ==0) //checking array element is even or not
            {             //as you know that '%' operator gives remainder
                          //if remainder is 0 than number is even number otherwise
                          //number is odd.


    enter the number of elements:6

    enter the number of elements:1
    enter the number of elements:2
    enter the number of elements:3
    enter the number of elements:4
    enter the number of elements:5
    enter the number of elements:6

    Even numbers are:2    4    6


    Q:Declare a integer array and take no of elements and their value from the user, and only print odd numbers ?

  • Q:Declare a integer array and take no of elements and their value from the user, and print the maximum value?

    void main()
        int i, n, maxs=0;
        int arr[20];
        printf("enter the number of elements:");
        //taking array element as input from the user.
        {   printf("Enter the element:");
        //printing even numbers
        {    //iterating   through all values of 'arr' array
            if(arr[i] > maxs) //checking array element is greater than max variable
            {             //if element is greater than max value than,
                            //we are assigning that value to the max variable.
                maxs = arr[i];
        printf("%d is a maximum value.",maxs);


    enter the number of elements:6

    enter the number of elements:10
    enter the number of elements:20
    enter the number of elements:30
    enter the number of elements:40
    enter the number of elements:50
    enter the number of elements:60

    60 is a maximum value.


    Q:Declare a integer array and take no of elements and their value from the user,and print the minimum value?

  • Q:Declare  2-dimensional integer arrays and initialize them with some value and do their addition and assign that result to another 2-dimensional array?

    void main()
    {   int i,j;
        int array1[3][3] = {{1,2,3},
                            {4,5,6},         //decleration and initializing the 2-d array
         int array2[3][3] = {{11,12,13},
                          {14,15,16},       //decleration and initializing the 2-d array
        int result[3][3];
        for(i=0; i<3 ;i++)
            {    // at every iteration adding elements of both array of index i_th row and j_th column
                //and assigning to result array at index i_th row and j_th column.
                result[i][j] = array1[i][j] + array2[i][j];
        //printing array result.
        printf("Addition of two matrix is :")
         for(i=0; i<3 ;i++)


    Addition of two matrix is :
       12    14    16
       18    20    22
       24    26    28


    Q:Declare  2-dimensnional integer arrays and initialize them with some value and do their Subtraction and assign that result to another 2-dimensional array?

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